RealAudio soundtrack  This effort appears to be called "Think Safe", and in the grand tradition of animated Public Information Flims, it features a badly drawn man.

The badly drawn man fights his way through the badly drawn crowds (can you spot him?) to his badly drawn house, to the accompaniment of some badly played music...

"When you've come home from work and decided you're very tired, ready for bed, think safe!"
(The music gets scarier at this point...)

"Tidy up at night.  Settle the coals.  Put the guard in front of the fire.  Empty the ashtrays."
(Coal fires?  You're not from round these parts, are you?)

"If clothes are airing near a boiler, remove them.  And any oil heaters should be turned off."
(Blimey, and I was going to leave these highly flammable clothes near the boiler, and leave the heater on all night!  D'oh!)

"Take out electric plugs, especially heaters and electric irons."
(Now, do you know anybody who leaves the iron plugged in for any length of time, never mind overnight?  Still, some people...)

"Not forgetting the TV set!"
(As if!)

"All these are sources of danger, especially at night."
(The badly drawn house has now become a badly drawn fruit machine.  With a roof on it.)

"Don't gamble with lives and property.  You're bound to lose in the end."
(Whoops!  Fire!)

"So when you're ready for bed, think!"
(Well, there'll be no fire here tonight.  We might get a visit from some badly drawn burglars, but that's an entirely different Public Information Film...)

Just in case you missed the point of the last minute of your life, here it is again.  We then zoom into the triangle symbol with a drum roll.  Presumably the triangle symbol means something (or did in the 1970s)...

So there you have it.  Now, I don't want anyone coming back to me in the next month complaining that their house has burned down.  Okay?
